Every day more than a billion people buy things online to fulfill their domestic needs, from a fork to the whole airplane everything that common minds think of can bought online companies make new strategies to get their product sold and people try their best to buy or book their desired thing on time! Online shopping has enabled us to accomplish all these things, no one more than 50 years ago could perform such massive operations while sitting in their comfortable homes with the simple most easy ways. Although the idea of online shopping is not quite old, it is an important one. People around the world buy their desired products sitting in the comfort of his/her house without even getting out. So, technology has enabled us to at-least get what we want on the tips of our fingers. From early e-shopping to later modern (current) shopping we will tell you all about online shopping and how it has enabled the human race to end approximately all of its trading aspects!

Early Development (History)

Online shopping is not something that came in the 80s or 90s and it dates back to the 1960s when IBM launched its online transaction processor (OLTP) which was first only used for financial transactions, the computerized ticket reservation was also part of it, which IBM developed for American Airlines. The question that comes to mind is that how did this simple Ticket Reservation system helped in developing the whole new world of Online Shopping? And also this was way before the World Wide Web. So, how did this played a major role in online shopping? Here is how!

The Birth of the World Wide Web

With the birth of World Wide Web internet became common for the public use with common people companies also started advertising their products later started booking them but things went really off the hook when Amazon was launched in the mid of 1995 and eBay was launched at the end of 1995 as soon as the concept of online shopping became more common among the general public more and more service providers came into being along with more flexible services. As of right now, every major brand in the world has its products available for online sales. But why are companies investing money? And why are the general audience are buying things online rather than visiting the store? To understand this we will have to jump towards the Merits of Online Shopping.

Merits of Online Shopping

Since most of the places we visit have internet due to the nature of our lifestyle like, internet is available at our workplace, and it is available at our house, moreover, the restaurants we visit to eat, the departmental store we visit to buy daily life items offer its visitors access to internet so, the fact that we can save time+fuel both at the same time by ordering something online makes it look like more convenient than visiting the place and order plus we have access to internet everywhere we go. This sort of defines the future of how we are going to get new things.

Technology has given human beings many of its gifts but the convenience of shopping in one of its majors, people all over the world buy their desired product whenever they want since online shopping can be done at any time of the day there is no time limit which makes it more convenient for people to buy things. Online shopping has even broken the borderlines! Which has enabled people to share cultures as well which also is a plus point because sharing of culture which is somewhat social interaction?

Written by: Team thevouchercode

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